Our Great Teachers: Symptoms of Stress and Anxiety
Those feelings of illness, fatigue or panic are your friend, saving you from delivering yourself into ruin.
Mindfulness Meditation brings both temporary and lasting relief to a mind and body plagued by the stresses and anxieties of life.
Those feelings of illness, fatigue or panic are your friend, saving you from delivering yourself into ruin.
You are not alone. Everyone experiences despair and needs help getting to a brighter place, so you are not a freak or a loser. You are a tender human being who needs some loving attention paid to your thought processes right now.
It all began when I was 9 years old and I choked on a piece of meat. Fortunately, my Dad, […]
It’s January. Christmas is over. New Years is past. The days are short, the weather cold. With much of winter yet ahead and the overwhelming urge to remain indoors in the warmth, physical exercise is not foremost on most people’s agendas. Crawling back into bed is a lot more appealing, this time of year.
What some are experiencing at this time, physicians call “Seasonal Affective Disorder,” or SAD. It is a form of depression that affects countless individuals annually. Lethargy, listlessness, lack of motivation, sadness, overwhelmedness, fatigue, and crankiness/annoyance include some of the more common symptoms of SAD.
When Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Full Catastrophe Living popped into my Amazon mailbox, the title didn’t just pique my interest; it reached out and grabbed me by the throat!
When I was young child, I was playing at my mother’s feet as she was ironing. Curious about what she […]
Because you paid attention, moment-by-moment to what the other person was really saying, you will have a greater recall of the relevant details of their life, because auto-pilot is disengaged. Is this not what God calls us to do, to have deep love and concern for others, enough that we involve our minds in what matters to them?
As the parent of a child with special needs, I soon discovered that my child was not the only one with the special needs. Looking after my own well-being has required time and careful planning to ensure my strength and stamina would endure through times of turbulence…