In a recent MacLeans Magazine article (October 14, 2010), Dan Hill (“Sometimes When We Touch”) shares openly about his and his family’s experiences under the care of Mental Health professionals.
As he once again steps out from behind the curtain of privacy and self-protection, Dan’s transparency and vulnerability help to further strip away the stigma that still surrounds the topic of Mental Illness. More people than we could ever know deal with some form of challenge in mental health and wellness.
I encourage you, if it is within your comfort zone, to take a small step out and share this article with someone you think may benefit from hearing about how real Dan is, in his article, Me and My Shrinks.
Here’s a wee excerpt:
“You’re in serious trouble,” Dr. Tony concluded when I finished my rambling narrative. His voice gaining volume with each pronouncement, he continued, “Your emotional development stopped once you hit puberty. You’re selfish, spoiled, and entitled. You think ….”
Read the article in MacLean’s Magazine…